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The Restoration of Royalty

There are few things in life that are certain, birth, death, and The Word that never fails. We are on the verge of awaking and returning to our Truth. This process can at times be alarming, lonesome, shocking and at other times peaceful and pleasant. One thing we must learn, is that none of us arise in like fashion, time, or to the exact same knowledge. Our journey is unique. Feel comforted, however, in knowing that The Almighty is precise in his execution. He knows when to plant and when to reap. He knows how to strike when the iron is hot and he knows when it is time to sodden and cool. As I stated in my poem "Street King's Ascension" "Consciousness is tough to achieve, pull hard and double down!" Your "wake up," process is tailored to you. Some of us come willingly seeking out The Most High while others have to be bitten by the snake in the wilderness, behold that which slays them, believe, understand and be saved but even with that process They still may never see the creator who has created all things and stands beside or below none...BE patient and loving of one another. How ever you came I respect your processand I respect your progress. Welcome home Yashra'al, Yisrael, Yasharala, Zion!

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